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Work Plan of the Unit


1)Increasing the Faculty website efficiency and the continuous updating of data.

2)Raising efficiency and improving the internal IT unit at the Faculty.

3)Raising efficiency of infrastructure and modernizing it.

4)Communication among the Faculty members and students by using the University E-mails.

5)Developing the administrative system at the Faculty, in addition to depending on outputs of Management Information System and its various departments to overcome all obstacles which face the work.

6)Operating and maintaining of information network.

7)Updating soft wares and computers at the Faculty Laboratories.

8)Maintaining computers and printers at the Faculty.

9)Operating and activating of Edu. E-mails for students and the Faculty members.

10)Following the technical use of the network and introducing the technical support of networks at the Faculty.

11)Create a space for each faculty member on the Faculty website to upload his own scientific materials, previous exams and models answer.

12)Usage of Collaboration method among students, Faculty members and the staff.

13)Providing the Faculty with wireless networks for the Faculty members and students.

14)To use and setup the original copy of Windows and Microsoft systems where the University has contacted with Microsoft Company.

15)To use and setup Antivirus programs which have been provided by ICTP project.

16)To repair or faults at computers or networks and to coordinate with MIS Unit and E- Learning Center at the Faculty.

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Since: 2011-05-31