The Faculty’s vision is to leadership in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence at the local and regional levels...


The Faculty seeks to prepare a distinguished graduate capable of competing in the labor market in the fields ...


Preparing a competent student in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence...



A visit of the ministry of higher education to inspect the information security and digital evidence detection program at the faculty of computer and artificial intelligence

On Wednesday, 11-3-2020, the faculty of computer and artificial intelligence the supervision and technical support of the projects management unit in the ministry of higher education to inspect the information security and digital evidence detection program at the faculty of computer and artificial intelligence.

A visit of the ministry of higher education to inspect the information security and digital evidence detection program at the faculty of computer and artificial intelligence

On Wednesday, 11-3-2020, the faculty of computer and artificial intelligence the supervision and technical support of the projects management unit in the ministry of higher education to inspect the information security and digital evidence detection program at the faculty of computer and artificial intelligence.

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