The Faculty’s vision is to leadership in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence at the local and regional levels...


The Faculty seeks to prepare a distinguished graduate capable of competing in the labor market in the fields ...


Preparing a competent student in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence...



Benha University renews the Iso quality certificate 9001/2015

The university president announces that AGA organization has decided to grant the University the Iso quality certificate 9001/2015 for three years according to the report of the assessment team who visited the university under the presidency of Eng/ Ahmed Osman.

"Buying infrared thermal imagers to conduct tests to the University's visitors" says Benha University president

The university president inspects the sanitizing procedures in the faculties of the education and commerce in addition to the University hostels in Kafr- Saad respectively. He was accompanied by the deans of the faculties of education and commerce, the general supervisor of the University's hostels and Mr. Refaat Nan, the assistant secretary general of the administrative affairs.

Benha University creates a mail for complaints during the health crisis of covid-19 pandemic

The university president stresses that the university has been put into action the new system of complaints since last April and he orders the administration of citizens' services not to receive any paper complaints, but these complaints have to be sent via the customized mail of the new complaints system. These procedures come in accordance with the precautionary measures to contain the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic.

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