The Faculty’s vision is to leadership in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence at the local and regional levels...


The Faculty seeks to prepare a distinguished graduate capable of competing in the labor market in the fields ...


Preparing a competent student in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence...



BU honors the Students Participated in the Space Science and Technology Program

Benha University with cooperation of the Egyptian Space Agency "ESA" has organized the closing party of Egypt's students summer training in the presence of Major General Abdel Hamid El Hagan, Qalyoubia Governor; Dr. Gamal El Saeed, the University President; Dr. Mohammed El-Quosy, the CEO of ESA; Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs; and Dr. Gamal Sousa, the Supervisor of the University Community Service and Environment Development Sector.

DKA organizes Online Module Workshop "Academic & Research Skills"

Benha University International Relations Office in cooperation with the DAAD Kairo Akademie "DKA" are announcing for the online module "Academic & Research Skills" that will be delivered by Dr. Riham Bahi on Wednesday, October28, 2020 (the duration 6 hours with breaks).

BU President honors the University Leaders participated in the Management Quality

Prof. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President honored the teaching staff, the University Secretary General, the Assistant Secretary Generals, and some of the University administrative staff who participated in the management quality system on the occasion of getting ISO 9001-2015 Management Quality Certificate for three years.
It is worth mentioning that the University has been obtained the Certificate upon the evaluation visit made by AGA in last March which recommended by the end of visit to grant ISO 9001-2015 to the University for three years.

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