The Faculty’s vision is to leadership in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence at the local and regional levels...


The Faculty seeks to prepare a distinguished graduate capable of competing in the labor market in the fields ...


Preparing a competent student in the fields of computers and artificial intelligence...



The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members and teaching staff

The non-governmental Benha University (under construction) announces its need to hire faculties' members (professor- assistant professor- lecturer) and teaching staff (assistant lecturer- demonstrator) for the following faculties:

  • The faculty of medicine
  • The faculty of optical arts and design
  • The program of inner design and furniture
  • The program of media and advertisement
  • The program of sculpture, civil engineering and reformation
  • The faculty of economics and business administration
  • The program of business administration and international relationships
  • The program of digital marketing and electronic works
  • The program of economics and international finance
  • The program of accounting and business informatics

Qualubia governor and Benha University president attends the University's ceremony of the great June revolution

The general / Abdel Hamid EL-Hagan, the governor of Qualubia and prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the university president attends the University's ceremony of the great June revolution. The general /Bahgat Mohamed Farid delivers the speech in this ceremony that was held in Benha University. It was held in the presence of  prof.Dr. Tamer Smair, prof.Dr.  Mahmoud Eraqi, prof.Dr. Samir Hamad, the faculties' deans and deputies, the military consultant of Qualubia governorate, Mrs. Shreen Shawky, prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, prof.Dr. Ahmed Naguib, prof.Dr. Hani Zakaria, the members of parliament, the assistant secretaries and the university's studetns.

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